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Movie(s) Review: Monsters University and Kung Fu Panda 3

Monsters University


Just a little to get you hooked

Remember Monsters Inc.? Well, before they were a scare team, they were... *dramatic music* students. (You absolutely couldn't guess that from the title, could you?)

It's a funny and cute prequel to Monsters Inc.

Plot Review

I had a lot I wanted to write about while I was watching it but now I can't remember any of that. Um... the idea for the plot is really good, it's not like those movie fandoms that stretch on forever for the money. You also don't really need to remember much of Monsters Inc. to understand it, which is good.

It's unrealistic and silly, which is just what I want from a cartoon (and a children's movie). It was really good and I'm glad I watched it (finally, Tal. Catching on, are you?)



Nada. I don't think there was a single curse in there.



Nudity and the like

Yeah right.


Minimum age: -653

Kung Fu Panda 3


Just a little to get you hooked

Po's (actual, real, panda) comes to find him and tries to help him fight a big bad guy (called Kai) who's taking people's souls.

Plot Review

Ohmygods you don't even understand I love Kai's fighting style it's so cool and he has these swishy blade things and oh. My. Gods.

Anyyyyway. I really liked the story but especially the effects and the way the movie looked (wow I'm not talking about the plot at all), because it was so colorful and had all these different atmospheres for different places and cool cuts and scene transitions and and...

It was great.



Seriously? Why are you even reading this? Haven't you ever seen kids' cartoons? Why would anything there be inappropriate?


Well it has KUNG FU in the title so you know XD but it's fine.

Nudity and the like

Well, being animals, a lot of them are actually half naked most of the time. (I probably just ruined you for kids' movies right. Oops.)


There's one thing I can say that will probably surprise you: there's no maximum age for enjoying this.


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