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Things You Realize When Re-Reading Clockwork Princess

I re-read CPS (I really need to update my "What I'm Reading" section oopsies) and I realized a lot of things I didn't notice before:

-Will lived to see WWI, cars and probably the birth of our great-grandparents

-Henry died first, then Gideon, then Will

-Tessa had 129 yearly meetings with Jem - they missed one

-Magnus really was the person to take Church to NY - I always said that was the only logical explanation when talking about it to my friends, but I forgot that it actually said that in the book!

-Jem has a streak of silve in his hair

-Jem was dressed like Alec when he met Tessa on the bridge I'm starting to think he went to Magnus because he was the only person he knew and borrowed clothes from Alec (wait were they already/still together when Jem became Jem? I DON'T KNOW AND IT'S SOMETHING ABOUT MALEC SO I SHOULD KNOW IT I'M SCARED)

-Clary and Jocelyn are direct descendants of Charlotte (yay!), not her obscure distant relatives - Charlotte and Henry's child was named Charles Fairchild and not Branwell since Charlotte's the consul

-Will and Cecily (and Tessa and possibly Gabriel) went to visit their parents every year on Christmas and birthdays

Questions I now have:

-Who ran the London Institute after Will?

-How did Jem and Tessa communicate while he was a Silent Brother (it says that Jem decided it was too dangerous one year and so they didn't come)?

-Did Will know about these yearly meetings?

-How did Tessa know Magnus would be in France after Will died?

-You know how I wrote above that Will and Cecily went to visit their parents on birthdays? Well, whose birthdays? Just theirs (then two times a year)? Theirs and their parents' (four times a year)?

Please, please write to me at or comment on the blog if you want to answer any of these questions! Just write something like, Hi, I read your book blog...

Don't be afraid to email me! (Even if you're reading this in 2021. Seriously. Email me.)


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